Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Ariana Oliver- Texting While Walking Illegal

This article was written by CNN author, Augusta Anthony and published on May 21, 2019. In New York, pedestrians could be fined for using their mobile devices while walking. It has been said that people may be less likely to notice a honking cab or someone on a bike if they're on their phone. With exceptions to emergencies, it will be illegal to text, check emails and use the internet. In a statement to CNN, Kennedy has stated that he doesn't support the concept. He feels as though the bill is an overreach of the government.

I agree with Kennedy with his statement because the government is violating parts of our freedom, and with the numerous amount of people that walk in NYC, it would be hard to fine someone who's seen walking and texting in the crowded areas.

Supporters of this law says laws against distracted walking are needed to protect pedestrians, especially in high traffic areas. Others say that distracted drivers are the problem not pedestrians.
Researchers say we can't be on our phones and still see our surrounding environment with our peripheral vision so just use common sense and resist the urge to look at your phone or if you really can't wait, at least stop and move to a safe spot because there been 11,000 injuries reported in the U.S, from 2000 to 2011. Plus, the government should be thinking about major world problems such as terrorism and global warming and not minor, useless laws such as this.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is to keep pedestrians safe from running into things
