Monday, May 20, 2019

Sophia Zhukova - It rained for four days

Most of all, the southern states were hit by the bad weather: Louisiana, Texas and Arkansas. In Mississippi, a state of emergency was declared.
In a number of southern and central US states, heavy rains caused massive flooding. Video of the consequences of bad weather is published by local media.
It is noted that precipitation began on May 9 and subsided only by Monday, May 13. Some roads turned into rivers.
Thus, a state of emergency was declared in Mississippi, and partial evacuation was carried out. Neighboring Louisiana, Texas and Arkansas were also hit.
The water level in the Mississippi River has risen so much that the US Army Corps of Engineers was forced to open the Bonnet Carr spillway on Friday so that it would not break through the dams near New Orleans.

It can be seem that a rain is always good for us since we have such a dry climate here and when it rains it is like a blessing sometimes, also it is good for plants. But it can be not that good at all when it rains that much. Huge amounts of water can destroy plants and it is scary to realize that just a rain can destroy people's homes and even might be dangerous for people's lives.

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