Monday, May 20, 2019

Same Sex marriage in Taiwan - Angelia Perez

Same-sex marriage will become legal on May 29,2019. But Taiwan in furious after China tried to take credit for the LGTBQ+  win. This is the first place in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. LGTBQ activists are overflowing with joying for this bill to be passed.  Before they defined same-sex marriage as unconstitutional and the historic vote in Taiwan came almost two years after the islands constitutional court ruled existing laws.

Good for Taiwan for making history in China.


  1. I'm so happy to see that the winds of change have finally reached the Asian continent, and that gays can finally get married there.

  2. This is such beautiful thing glad to see this happen. -kloe rhoden

  3. I hope the other Asian countries will catch rift of this too, creating an environment where no one is discriminated!
