Monday, May 20, 2019

Abortion is a right by Kloe Rhoden

To about half of you reading this may have completely different issues on what I'm about to say but thats okay, all I ask is that you keep an open mind. So abortion, many people believe this is something that is evil and wrong. "Why would you kill and innocent life?" And I call BULLSH**! I Don't understand how Staes like Alabama Georgia Ohio etc, feel they have a right to dictate what another person does to their body. They claim to be pro life but the second that life enters the world they are silent. A prime example is the foster care system, I wanna see those same "Pro-Life" advocates advocate for those lives. These kids are rarely adopted and when they live in foster homes don't receive the attention that a child needs. The process to foster a kid isn't the slightest exclusive almost anyone can, yet when a family wants to adopt its a whole other story. If a 16 year old girl cannot adopt a child and is deemed irresponsible then why is she being forced to go through with a whole 9 month period of pain, come out with a totally new body, and nw be responsible for another life for the next 18 years. I'm not saying its impossible because it has been done but why Force someone to, why does a woman get the right to say I'm not ready why do women have to be dying in order for them to get an abortion. Prohibiting abortions will not only prove ineffective but lead to greater health problems with women. Why not keep the safe solution? And why does a baby who knows nothing hold more valuable than a woman's life? Forcing women to go through with pregnancies they don't want, could even lead to more child abuse and a greater normalization of that abuse. I got a little off subject but this is a topic I will truly fight till the ends of the earth for. My article was about the fact that in these states if you have an illegal abortion (an aborrtion for a reason other than it killing you), will get you life in jail. You can't even travel to another state to do it because you still face jail time. Of course this relates bak to roe vs wade.

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