Monday, May 20, 2019

Police Brutality pt. 56637894... By kloe rhoden

Alright, so I don't know how many blogs I have to do before someone does something, A police officer brutally beat another black teen and well you know what happened, she did something he thought meant Beat me till I'm almost dead, so he did so now the public knows black people are mad and he's still fine, he wrong it needs to end blah blah blah, I'm sick of repeating myself. Whatever happened to treat others the way you want to be treated? Sounds childish but maybe kids are doing it right because the adults sure as hell aren't. Our air is trash, the planet is dying and y'all are talking about some freaking straws, why not band fishing, stricken littering laws, stop exploiting the ocean, send people to dig out trash in the ocean and make it a public works project and give more jobs to the people that even in today's world feel there are no more jobs, like really dude people make money to post on Instagram. I say this to say end police brutality! and this can realate to when the black college kids would do sit ins and get beat.

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