Monday, May 20, 2019

Lily Philips- Trump Broadcast Every Day?

Samuel Rogatinsky, a man in Florida who has a radio station, has decided to air bits and pieces of Trump’s political rally speech every hour until the day of the 2020 Presidential Elections. His intent was to bring attention to the President’s goal to aid the people of Florida who were hurt by Hurricane Michael. He is a democrat but voted for Trump in 2016 elections; the Panhandle of Florida is a primarily red area, so many of the resident were very excited about the news of these broadcasts. The rally was very popular and provided a source of motivation to the people. 
This article was written by Patricia Mazzei on May 15. This article was published in The New York Times which is a world renowned news corporation. The audience is the people of Florida and the rest of the United States to inform them about a radio broadcast update about Trump. This was to serve as hope for restoration of their land that Trump promised after the destructive hurricane in October. This can be connected to the current U.S. President and his rallies because that is where the clips are from that Rogatinsky is airing on his radio show. 

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