Monday, May 20, 2019

Elle Grinnell- Missouri senate passes bill banning abortions at 8 weeks

recently, on Thursday the 16th Missouris mostly republican senate passed a bill which banned almost all abortions after the eight week period. they claim that the reasoning for this law is that everyone has a right to life and it will defend the rights of both those born and unborn. In this law within the state of Missouri abortions are only legal if it's a medical emergency that prevents death of if having the children would harm the carrier. one major negative thing about this law is that there are no exceptions for occurrences such as rape or incest victims.
in this case, we are really going back and history and not going forward at all because women aren't really having freedom or rights for themselves. There is no reason for a man to have control over a womens choices or how she deals with a situation especially one as life changing as this one. this law is challenging roe v. wade which was a decision of the Supreme Court that provided a "right to privacy". this right protected a pregnant persons decision of weather or not to carry out with an abortion.

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