Friday, August 31, 2018

Violet Wiedemer- Washington Post calls Trump a liar

Last week, August 23, the Washington Post went on the reccord to officialy call President Trump a liar, a big deal in politics. Many news outlets have been skirting around using the word "lie", instead using "falsehood" or simply "not true". The Washington Post reports 4,229 "false or misleading claims" at the beginning of the month.

The article was written just when Donald Trump's scandal with Stormy Daniels hit its high and Rudi Giuliani came out with his statement "Truth isn't truth". This likely effected the bias of he acrticle, as it was hard to defend Trump and his team after Giuliani's statement came out.

These recent events are reminiscent of Nixon's famous, "I am not a crook" statement after Watergate. In fact the entire Trump scanda has been compared to Watergate.


  1. I actually agree about this statement. He holds back the truth to save his own behind. And lies to millions of Americans who need to know what is going on in their own country.

  2. im glad Obama is finally speaking out about Trumps actions.
