Monday, August 27, 2018

Devion Camp

Twenty four year old David Katz of Columbia decided to kill 2 people ,and injure 11 more before taking his own life at the Madden 19 tournament in Jacksonville. The FBI/ authorities are currently trying to find useful information on a possible reason for why Katz committed this crime. They have found documents of Katz being admitted to the Sheppard Pratt health system for mental care.

I'm currently upset that events like these keep happening; how people would mental and social problems are not being taken care of. People tend to disregard the seriousness of mental health and how important it is to help someone if they're in need. We need to stop this before we have more events like this ,and/or the mass shooting at a high school in florida. People tend to disregard and mock mental health trying to take away from how serious mental health is. For example, the 19 year old Nikolas Cruz killed 17 people at the high school in Parkland, Florida. He would have faced a death penalty, but ended up being admitted to a mental wards. Cruz is another example of why we need to take mental health more seriously, so we can lessen the amount of tragic shootings in the world.

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate,after someone I knew that had a mental illness was shot by the police instead of being admitted to the hospital. This is a problem that we have and instead of immediately scolding someone for something they can't control, we have to get them help. I am glad that Nikolas Cruz was able to go to a mental wards instead of facing a death penalty. I also hope that the people who lost their loved ones can understand why he didn't face a death penalty.
