Friday, August 31, 2018

Pope declares death penalty unacceptable

The Pope has declared that death penalties should be abolished and him and catholic around the world are working towards it. They want to abolish this because " it is an attack on the inviolability  and dignity of the person ".  As of know death penalties remain legal in 31 states as a federal punishment.


  1. I think that the death penalty is morbidly productive in some senses, such as in fear tactics and prison overpopulation. On the other hand, the death penalty can be abused and isn't particularly Christian in nature. I would've preferred a tad more outside analysis, but it is nonetheless an interesting topic to discuss.

  2. I think the Death penalty is a very valid punishment for certain crimes, I think that by killing someone you forfeit your right to live, and I also think if you rape someone you should be killed or castrated. I think that the punishment should match or exceed the severity of the crime, and sometimes the only way to do that is to kill the person on the receiving end. As to it not being very christian, I think with the amount of Atheists
    in our country there will be people who step up to preform the act.

  3. I find this to be a very interesting topic for discussion. People who have been charged with the death penalty are not always murders but may just be a piece to a more complicated puzzle. A person can be on death row and not have actually killed someone, which contradicts most peoples belief on why someone is issued the death penalty.

  4. Of course the Judiciary system is not perfect but I don't think that we can base our widespread public policy on the assumed 4.1% of cases of people on death row being exonerated.

  5. I think this is a very interesting topic that i wish i could read more about in you analysis. I believe that it is great that the pope believes that they should abolish death penalty because not all put on death penalty are murderers, and the punishment should match the crime. -gracie zytynski
