Monday, August 27, 2018

Emma Burkey

Donald Trump thinks 52% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. They don't.  

The article discusses the tweet that President Donald Trump posted recently after John McCain's death. He does not discuss the late senator's death, but instead his approval ratings being at 52%. The author researched this poll that Trumped claimed had this information, but even on the most conservative news sources it was closer to 48%. The author believes that the President either lied or mistook his disapproval for his approval and posted the higher number by mistake and doesn't care that he did. President Trump has said in the past that his approval ratings should always have about 7-12 points added because fake news lowers them. The author ends the article with the mentioning that this isn't the first time Trump has lied and it is something common to his presidency. 

This article was published on August 27, 2018 by a writer, Chris Cilliza, from CNN. Trump might believe this to be fake news, but really it is a reliable source with a date that suggests it to be relevant. I knew stories of similar nature prior to reading this article, and know that the author was correct when he said that this "is not an isolated incident." This is important for the Trump supporters to understand; they need to see that the person they elected is the true liar and not reliable news sources. Sadly those that read CNN, the audience, are much more likely to know this and therefore it is just another thing for them to be frustrated about; they already know Trump is a liar, and don't need to change their minds about anything. The author's intentions and goals for this article is to show Trump's true self: the one that lies about ratings and focuses on himself after the death of an extremely respected senator. Cilliza wanted to change conservative minds and point them towards the direction of truth with facts, not necessarily to the democratic side, (as discussed before they aren't exactly the ones reading it.) This article is very important to our lives today because it is crucial for us as the citizens of the United States to know the truth about our president and information that will affect our choices in the election. Another leader in the past that lied about his approval ratings was the Shah of Iran in the 1970's. The Shah said that all of the citizens of his country had his support and the U.S. believed him. This caused the U.S. to support the Shah when in reality they were backing the true enemy, the leader who saw himself above the law, (alike to Trump.). If we aren't careful, we could be backing the enemy to our own country: President Trump. 


  1. This is very true, I especially agree with how you were saying cnn is telling the truth but the people who need to know what cnn is saying refuse to listen to it

  2. This is a very interesting and compelling description. I completely agree, and I feel like there was a good amount and contrast with factual evidence and past stories versus fact- based opinion. (I also really liked the addition about Iran in the 70s, It added another layer of why I should agree with you, and the specific comparison made the statement about it being a recurring issue much more believable)

  3. I love how you input your own opinions into the matter and connected the event to one in history about which not many people may know about.

  4. This is amazing. My personal favorite line is trump is a true liar. This speaks truth that our president can't recite simple facts but all so shows where his mind set is most of the time. On himself and not the country he's "trying" to run. Also that he disregarded John McCain's death d barely speaks on it.

  5. This is a great article. I love your synthesis comparing the Iranian Shah in the 70's to Trump. Ignoring the death of a presidential candidate, senator, a war veteran, and a man who was able to take both sides of an opinion into account to create his own to boost your own ego is appalling.

  6. I'm honestly shocked that Trump's ratings are even as high as 48%, but that just goes to show that I'm mainly experiencing liberal points of view just like the 48% are mainly experiencing conservative povs. However, since the Republican party is the one in office right now, I believe it's especially important for all Americans to get news from a variety of sources, not just one's that cater to the image of the party.
