Monday, August 27, 2018

                     Maria Golici - Death of John McCain


U.S. Senator John McCain passed away Saturday, at the age of 81 due to a brain tumor. Throughout his life he accomplished many things from fighting and surviving the Veteran war to having a huge impact in the government. During the Veteran war not only was he a war hero but he survived many plane crashes and endured five years of brutal torture as a prisoner of war as did many others. After his captors discovered who his father was they allowed him early release but he refused because he wanted to get released with the others. After getting released in 1973 he served in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1983 and three years later in the Senate. He campaigned twice for U.S. Presidency but unfortunately lost. In the interview with CNN he was asked how he would like to be remembered by the American people and he responded, “He served his country and not always right. Made a lot of mistakes. Made a lot of errors. But served his country and I hope we could add honorably”.


  1. I like how John McCain said that he served his country, because he did. Even though he made mistakes he was human and we should honor him for the service he made for this country. How did his effects on this country shape it to what it is today?

  2. I love the format you chose to use and you explained the event well. He endured a lot of major events in his lifetime. How do you picture his legacy changing the future?

  3. You ventured out and explained how John McCain did everything in his power to make everyone else happy in this country. He was a major part in the building of America & even served as well. How do you think McMcain would have done next before he passed? -Paige McManaman
