Monday, August 27, 2018

Myanmar Military Leaders & Genocide Charges- Maya Davis

An investigation on Myanmar military (also known as Tatmadaw) leaders conducted by the United Nations has uncovered proof that military leaders have committed several human rights violations against Rohingya Muslims. There have been many reports of murder, imprisonment, and sexual violence. These acts have been presented as attempts to get rid of terrorism in the country.

The mistreatment has lead to thousands of Rohingya Muslims fleeing Myanmar, many of them claiming to have fled due to death threats.

The names of the alleged perpetrators are Radhika Coomaraswamy, and Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein.

When I was reading the article on this event I thought about how many genocides are planned by political figures, which lead me to be reminded of the Rwandan genocide that occurred in 1994. This was a genocide by Hutu people against the Tutsi people of Rwanda. The genocide was planed by many people of political powers as high as the national government. This genocide happened because many of the Hutus ruled the government and committed violence against Tutsi people. Due to this, The Arusha Accords were created to form a plan to make an equal government that consisted of both Hutus and Tutsis. Many conservative Hutus did not like this, and the plan was stopped abruptly when the president of Rwanda, Juvenal Habyarimana was assassinated. Since he was killed, and the Arusha Accords were very ineffective, the Hutu people could easily rebel. The next day, the Rwandan Genocide began.

A big difference between the Myanmar Genocide and the Rwandan Genocide is that Rwanda did not get much help from the UN. This was part of the reason why the Rwandan Genocide lasted for so long. I think that the UN might have learned from history rather than letting it repeat again.

Myanmar Article
Rwandan Genocide Timeline
The Arusha Accords

1 comment:

  1. One of the most important reasons for why we learn history is to not repeat past mistakes. When people think about Genocide, everyone thinks of the holocost; it sadness me to know that we haven’t learned from the holocost and all the pointless genocides before it. It has only been 85 years since the horrendous acts yet we still repeating the past, and not learning our mistakes.
