Monday, August 27, 2018

Cathy Huynh

Summary: Two killed in shooting at Jacksonville video game tournament, while 11 people were left injured due to the hands of David Katz, who was a part of the tournament but lost in the mist of it. He brought a gun into the venue and opened fire, and then pointed the gun at himself. This is yet another incident of mass shooting in Florida, like the high school shooting in Parkland.

Source: 2 killed in shooting at Jacksonville video game tournament

Analysis: It's very disheartening that there is another mass shooting and yet many people are again turning a blind eye to gun reform. Yes, even if stricter gun control is implemented, people can still buy guns illegally. But look at other countries! They have strict gun control and they don't have constant mass shootings like the U.S. There is also the argument that "Guns don't kill, people do", well why doesn't our president fund mental institutes more. It's time for the country to wake up and prevent any other future mass shootings as much as possible.

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