Monday, August 27, 2018

Jess De La Torre

Jacksonville Mass Shoothin tragity -Jess DLT

    On Sunday, August 26 2018, there was a semi massive shootin in Jacksonville, Florida at a madden game tournaments . The shooter, David Katz, was originally from Maryland but came to Florida to participate in the tournament but it turns out he was eliminated . He then later on proceeded to grab a weapon he purchased while in Maryland’s and shot 10 people and killed 2 others and then later on proceeded to kill him self  afterwards . A selfish act he made to just murder people because of just a tournament .
In my personal opinion, no one should act selfish or even trip about a tournament . Maybe just maybe if the government put straight laws on guns about controlling who buys them , the rent wouldn’t be such a major problem in the US. There was an incident about 19 years ago, columbine highschool was shot up by two young males with illegal firearms . School shootings or even shootings in general shouldn’t be a problem if maybe the government would just simply make laws about giving guns to only officers of the law .

1 comment:

  1. I do agree with you that there should be stricter laws on gun ownership. I would have to disagree with the fact that only officers should be allowed to own firearms, because I think they should be allowed for self defense. I do however see the side of your argument, because if only officers are allowed to own fire arms, then no one else would even be able to use them to endanger other citizens. The reason this argument is so complicated is because there is no easy answer or way to wipe out the issue completely.
