Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Trump: Google and others 'trending on troubled territory' -Darrin Fleenor

 This article is about our "beloved" president and his opinions on Google and others social media sights and search engines invading our privacy and continuous hiding information from the people. Our president believes that these companies are harming us by retaining information. Now, this may be true, by selecting what we are allowed to know these companies are harming our ability to be alert and even make our own opinions on certain matters. Another key element of this is that certain social media sites have silents certain voices and topics when they feel like it. They just go in and press the delete button when they want to and it is not right. They shouldn't be able to silents our voice in matters even though we decide to use their sight as an outlet and not not voice our opinions at all.

Now I know I have very vivid opinions on our current president. He has said a lot and done very very little good. I, personally, feel that he should not have the audacity to talk about harm for 1. And also concealing out a voice. Yes, I believe that everyone should have a voice, but I feel that he should lower his.  This man speaks on any matter through his twitter account, but when it comes to physically showing up for important matters such as the CNN Florida shooting discussion he has to decline. Trump hardly and definitively talks about this for his own personal vendeta. He does not want to be silents through his rants on twitter and doesn't want his idiotic behavior to stop. This has nothing to do with the people. Just one man sparking major division and major union in a country.



  1. I agree that there are more important matters that Trump should be focusing on since he is the PRESIDENT instead of wasting his time claiming any news outlet that criticizes him in any way is fake news or conspiring against him.

  2. Haha yes!!! I ,personally, know basically nothing about politics, but from what I hear Trump is a pretty interesting person. Last time I checked, the president should be more worried about making the country a better place, not writing a twitter post about this that or the other that only creates conflicts. Although other people/companies may be in the wrong, it doesn’t mean he needs to fuel the fire. Whoever wrote this blog.. PREACH🙌🏻 ~Mekinna Knight

  3. I have to agree with just about everything you said. Trump should be more cognizant of the political issues that he should be taking care of rather than trying to voice his opinion where it doesn't matter the most.

  4. I agree about everything overall Trump should recognize the political issues that there is and handle what should be handled instead of making opinions and make people mad and be involved with social media drama.

  5. Personally, it does scare me knowing that the government is internet stalking me, but I do agree that our voices need to be heard. I feel like nowadays, especially with Donald Trump as our president, our voices are crowded out by those that are seemingly "more important". Trump is very different president than others and we just need to find a way to keep up for the next 2 years :) -Ryan Mecca

  6. I think that he is sparking a lot of controversy and not really doing anything about the unimportant things he's focusing on. Maybe it would seem less useless if he was doing more than spouting empty words on twitter. It feels like he's just twiddling his thumbs up there sometimes
