Monday, May 15, 2017

Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador 
Joshua Klein

The article describes how last week Trump disclosed highly classified information on Islamic terrorist threats with the Russian foreign minister and ambassador. Officials say that Trump had no permission to share the information with the Russians. The information was a high level of classification. The White House staff denied the claims stating that Trump did not disclose any information that the public did not already know. The information was code word classified and is information that the United States has not even shared with its allies.

I think this is just scary. Trump is reckless wielding around information with one of our greatest adversaries. Trump has created another problem for himself politically by just being plain stupid. If he can hardly keep classified information he is hardly classified to hold the position of president 

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe he's that stupid to leak a secret out like that.
