Tuesday, May 16, 2017

gray breidenbach- Tunnel collapse at nuclear site

A 20-foot hole in the roof of a tunnel at Washington state's Hanford nuclear waste site will be filled with clean soil. Earlier in the day, workers noticed that a section of the tunnel had caved in. The tunnel, which is made of wood and concrete and covered in 8 feet of soil, was constructed during the Cold War to hold rail cars loaded with equipment that had been contaminated in the process of plutonium production. It has been sealed since the mid-1990s.
There is no initial evidence that workers have been exposed to radiation or that there has been an "airborne radio-logical release." Government spend billions trying to repair site.


  1. The clean-up will no doubt cost very much. The lengths we will go to make it further in nuclear arms is amazing. And it's even more amazing how far we will go to clean up those sites.
    -Anna Czyzewski

  2. I agree,the cleaning up will be very but very time consuming

  3. I'm glad this didn't turn into a Chernobyl or Fukishima.
