Monday, May 15, 2017

Maggie Gibson Anderson Cooper's eyeroll is all of us right now
    CNN's Anderson Cooper recently had White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on his show Tuesday night to interview about the shocking news of the firing of FBI Director Kellyanne Conway. Cooper played a series of clips of Trump praising Comey during his 2016 campaign. Conway responded "Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I was on your show last fall saying we were going to win Michigan and how we were going to do it, so that was fun." While Conway was speaking, Cooper rolled his eyes. The reason he did this is because the Trump White House responds saying they see no point in "relitigating" the past anytime someone asks them a question they don't want to have to answer, or specifically about the Russia investigation. The author continues to point out the hypocrisy of this strategy, pointing out Trump's love to relitigate the past, on numerous occasions pointing out how he won the election unexpectedly.
     This article was very biased against Donald Trump and his White House, and very pro Anderson Cooper. Though Cooper was disrespectful towards Kellyanne Conway, Kellyanne Conway went out of her way to not respond to his question, and it is very frustrating to get not even an attempt to answer the question. Trump's White House has been lacking a significant amount of reason and logic in their decisions, or at least has failed to present them to the public. I think this is a huge issue - the public needs to be informed, instead of all us trying to interpret what is going on in Trump's head. Right now, all I can see has been random and thoughtless decisions from President Trump. Maybe there is some reason - but he needs to tell everyone about it.

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