Monday, May 15, 2017

RIP Chuck Davis- Camryn Stafford

Mr. Chuck Davis, dancer and performer, passed away this past Sunday at the age of 80. Baba Chuck was known for many things including being the founder and face of Dance Africa. Baba Chuck led the African American Dance Ensemble for more than 30 years as they performed around the world. The American Dance Festival's 82nd season was dedicated to Baba and he was named irreplaceable by the Dance Heritage Coalition. 

Baba Chuck will surely be missed. He was a major part of my life in the way that he made Dance Africa so much fun for me and the rest of my group. His energy radiated throughout the crowd and was able to appeal to anyone. Baba Chuck was very smart, funny, and at the same time very serious. Even though we always wanted to please him he made sure to remind of us how awesome we were. This can be synthesized to loosing a loved one in any circumstance 


  1. I had heard about his passing earlier! Rest in peace, he will be dearly missed.

  2. He will truly be missed, I have been fortunate enough to have taken a class from him.

  3. I read another blog about this same person, I hope that more people spread his energy and passion.
