Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Paramedic Called A Hero For Risking His Life To Save Suicidal Man

An Orange County paramedic is being called a hero for risking his life to save a suicidal man. Mike Curtis, a local L.A paramedic ran swerving through cars on the I-5 Freeway screaming to a man on the overpass not to jump. Initially the man sans,t acting right and the police called for him to step away from the curb and come talk to them. He then ran over to the overpass and climbed up. Mike Curtis ran up there and tackled him to the ground, risking his own life in the process. “It’s not in our nature to have to chase down our patients and tackle them,” Curtis said, “but I felt this was the right thing to do.” What a great story of bravery. Suicide is never the answer, even if you think it is. Mike Curtis helped that man in ways the man probably doesn't even know yet. It gets better, and Mike Curtis showed that man that.

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