Sunday, June 1, 2014

Narwhals! Francesca Bartos 2nd
     Narwhals are large, horned sea mammals. Narwhals look like someone stabbed a chubbier, stubbier dolphin in the face with a cotton candy holder. Narwhals, of course, are directly related to Unicorns(which are now extinct). Thousands of years ago, unicorns were the most beautiful, smart,talented,sexy, and punctual creatures on the planet. Naturally all of the other creatures were simultaneously envious an in awe of them. As a result Unicorns were put on a pedestal and none of the other creatures treated them like normal animals. this alienated the unicorn, the unicorn was led to believe that is it was super-lame, when really they were normal and even cool. Unicorns began to believe they were not worthy of pleasant company. The Unicorns then went to the Ocean, where they were hit on by obnoxious whales, and because no animal before had shown interest in the unicorn they got with the whales. And thus the narwhal was created and eventually unicorns died out and all that is left of their majesty are blubbery horned mammal fish.

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