Tuesday, June 3, 2014

gay sam smathers 4th

"The Power in choosing to be Gay" by Suzanna Danuta Walters from the Atlantic
URL: http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/06/whats-wrong-with-choosing-to-be-gay/371551/
Sam Smathers 4th

   This article talks about how being gay is a biological pre determination not a choice. The author said that making sure that society knows that gay people do not choose to be gay is an important fact to spread around because if being gay isn't a choice, that it can not be cured, so it has to be okay because it is natural. The author said that it is important that everyone has encounters with gay people on a daily basis because it will help the populous be more accepting and educated on this.

   I don't really get why people don't like gay people. They are just people. Judging someone before you get to know them based off of something the person doesn't even control is very rude. We should all be nicer to each other.


  1. I definitely agree. There are some things in life that are out of our control, and the only thing we can do to those things is accept them. A person who is homosexual is just like everyone else and there is no reason why they should be treated differently than everyone else. Genuine kindness will get a person a long way.

  2. i still wont understand why people are so worked trying to defend or go against gay people. we all live in the same country, wake up everyday, and do the same routine things. humans were born to be individuals, and we should be accepting
