Monday, May 14, 2018

Jordan Jimenez - Disasters in Hawaii

   Hawaii has been facing some serious destruction due to volcano eruptions, having the power to rain car sized boulders with 2,000 degree lava alongside it as well. About 2,000 people have been evacuated from their homes, at least 36 structures have been demolished, and poisonous gases are in the air, killing off trees and grasses that weren't affected by the lava, leaving people extremely scared and in disbelief. Because of this, authorities are encouraging people to stay very cautious and listen into hourly radio broadcasts since the lava flows are unpredictable.
   I think it's very unfortunate that this is happening and very scary. There's constantly hundreds of natural disasters happening all the time, some being way worse than others (ex. Hurricane Maria, Katrina, etc), and while there isn't anything we can do to stop them, it still is a very stressful and frightening situation to be put into. Hopefully there isn't an immense amount of damage and no one gets hurt, but if those things do happen, hopefully people throughout the country are willing to help those who are affected and not just brush it off like what tends to happen.

1 comment:

  1. This is very tramatic for the residents of Hawii and my prayers will be with these families and I hope Hawaii can stay in its beautiful state.
