Monday, May 14, 2018

Chicago art exhibit aims to show how easy it is to get a gun-Sophie Sandoval

An artist in Chicago has made a metro gun sharing booth so you could easily access a gun whenever you choose to. However, this isn't real it's more symbolic. The piece shows how easy it is for a civilian to access a gun and has the power to do right or wrong. The gun violence in Chicago is very severe so the artist took this to heart very dearly. You cannot actually pay money to get a gun but you can pay money to donate to the Brady Center.

I think this artist could possibly change the course of gun violence. Of course, nobody is gonna rent a gun in public because they are simply a coward. If you were to rent a gun you would be judged and that is exactly what humans try to avoid, however, if he puts up more gun metros he could possibly lower the numbers for good.

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