Monday, May 23, 2016

new labels- Bethany Wolfe

Michelle Obama has teamed with the FDA in announcing the drastic change to food labels in restaurants and packages. The labels will better define and pinpoint the number of calories, added sugar, and serving size fitting to the current consumer. Also, they will emphasize Potassium and Vitamin D nutrient requirements as the majority of Americans lack them. Therefore, in the next 2 years, labels will look significantly different and hopefully keep the public aware of what they put into their bodies.
This change will definitely notify the public of their food intake and promote a healthier lifestyle. It's similar to the Pure Food and Drug act after Upton Sinclair's novel in that food production should change to benefit society's health and well- being.


  1. This is great news! -Nicole Chatham 6th period

  2. lol no matter what we do people are still going to be fat - kenley turner
