Thursday, May 26, 2016

Jaylon Mobley, 5th Period// In Trump Attacks, Clinton Finds Her Voice

Summary: As the campaigning process has gone on over the past months, Hilary Clinton, Democratic has struggled to find the one message and love that were to set off the edge for her against her fellow mate, Bernie Sanders. However, recently, in California, all of that was much challenged when she shifted focus directly to Donald Trump. Speech after speech in California, she points out that he is and has been a bully that is eager to take the money of those Americans voting for him, or not. This could be a turning point in the campaign for Clinton in that, after all, half, if not more of American citizens are women.

Analysis: I believe that this recent event is a strong and influential happening in the works of the furthering for women in this country. For years, long ago, I'm sure as we all know, women did not have a voice in anything but whether or not the have chicken for dinner that night for her husband, and often times, I'm sure not even that. So for a woman to be able to run for president for one, and begin to truly find her voice in the face of adversity of the same problem that ruled this country for years and caused the aforementioned plight of the social life for women in the United States, white men, white, powerful, rich men. I am eager to see where this new found discovery takes Clinton and the campaign.

Source: In Trump attacks, Hillary Clinton finds her voice

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