Wednesday, May 25, 2016

IPhone 7 release- Sam Stromness 1st period

The iPhone 7 has been announced and has a far off seeming release date: fall, 2017. The phone will feature a screen with more advanced lighting technology to produce more vibrant and comprehensive coloring. Apple notes the phone will be secure from the threat to privacy the recent case (about the San Bernadino terrorists' phones) posed. The upgrade will also feature faster performance, an improved camera lens, and increased durability.

analysis- This article shows off the extremely consumerist nature of American culture. An article about such minor improvements to a product that won't be made for over a year highlights our wasteful attitudes and our accustomization to excess that is a consequence of industrialization and mass production in America. The industrial revolution enabled the low-cost mass production of goods. This made products easily accessible to the majority of the population shaping our current relationship with technology and other mass produced goods.    



  1. Okay I thought the new update would be overrated and unnoticeable but the new screen lighting technology is actually really cool; my screen turns a soft peachy color at night.

  2. Its cool to know how modern and advanced our society is becoming.
    Paige Moore-Mitchell
    9th period

  3. Whoa thats so cool I haven't updated yet makes me want to

  4. I don't know if it's just because I'm experiencing, but technology seems to be advancing extremely quickly right now, similar to during World War 2.
