Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Jaylon Mobley, 5th Period// Death Penalty for Racist Shooter

Recently, a shooting in a Charleston, South Carolina church that killed nine African American parishioners last June. The shooter was a white man, Dylan Roof, with a racially charged motive. At the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church on June, 17, 2015, Roof opened fire during a Bible study. He is now charged with 33 crimes. Prosecutors of the situation are delaying the trial in order to figure out whether or not they should seek the death penalty. If they decide to not ask for the death penalty, defense attorneys have stated that Roof will plead guilty, and rightfully so.

The main cause of concern and debate for the issue is the possible result of the death penalty for the alleged shooter. This is a particularly controversial matter of subject. I personally feel that considering white people, for so long, have been unblind to color in the instance of determining the death penalty for black people and relatively minor crimes, the same should not be overlooked for the instance of white. For years, white supremacy has taken on the habit to automatically over-rule the death penalty in the instance of white crime, and in a world and time where the deep hatred for black people should very well have subsided, and it has not, it deserves death.

Source: Death Penalty


  1. I don't always agree with the death penalty but i do agree it is necessary sometimes

  2. I think that there are worse punishments than death. Also, who are we as people to decide who lives and dies?
