Monday, November 12, 2018

Valery Tinajero- Florida Teacher Finds 'Provisional Ballot Box' in Storage Area

Website link:
Florida Teacher Finds 'Provisional Ballot Box' in Storage Area
by Joe Tacopino 
Summary: After election teacher Lakeisha Williams of Broward County, went into the storage area of Miramar Elementary to find a box full of Provisional Ballots. This caused her to immediately report the box, luckily the county was still county votes (even though the race was getting extremely close) and was able to help get those votes to election offices quickly. 
Analysis: This reminds me a lot of how during elections we see people pull in the lead but get jumped rapidly by some random vote counts. It's also multiple reasons why we end up having to recount the votes or gain controversy over the count of votes. This proves we need a better system of counting votes rather than a piece of paper.

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