Monday, November 26, 2018

Beto O’Rourke changes his mind: He’s not ruling out 2020 anymore

     Beto O'Rourke, who ran a governmental campaign in Texas that almost won, despite Texas' strongly republican voting tendencies, and received nationwide attention and publicity, recently said in an interview that he isn't "ruling out" running for president in 2020. He revoked his previous statement in which he claimed that he wouldn't run for president no matter what the outcome of his governmental race with Ted Cruz was. And while he hasn't yet confirmed or denied anything and this is all just speculation, a Beto O'Rourke presidential campaign could be monumental.
     As he has amassed massive popularity not only in Texas, but across the nation, if Beto were to run for president, the odds of him winning are exceptionally high. In addition to many adoring him, as shown by his impressive turnouts in Texas elections, he would be running against Trump, who has amassed a large hatred not only from democrats, but his own party as well, showing how weak of a candidate he is. If Beto were to run, which is now entirely possible, he would have an immense shot at winning.


  1. It would be so interesting if Beto was president

    1. Interesting? I think it would be absolutely fantastic if Beto ran in 2020! Reading this information brings a huge smile to my face for the idea of a ticket with his name on it is one I am hoping for!

      Fiona Graybill
