Monday, November 26, 2018

Ukrainian parliament votes to impose Martial Law after Russia allegedly seized country's ships- Yesenia Ramirez M.

On Monday morning  Ukraine's parliament voted to impose the martial law for 30 days.This occurred due to Russia firing at 3 Ukrainian military ships that were near Russia, but they had no reason nor proof to why attack them.The Russian then captured them and the Ukraine is demanding for a release  of their ships and crew men.This event led to a U.S. ambassador Nikki Haley to respond towards this event by saying," outrageous violation of sovereign Ukrainian territory " and she also mentioned that we will support the Ukraine;however, the Russian Minister said that the Ukraine provoked Russia by sending their military ships without permission.

This article was published by Nicole Darra on November the 26, 2018. The purpose of this article was to inform us of the current issue that is happening near the Kerch Strait and that the martial law will be imposed for 30 days starting on Wednesday. This also has to do with the U.S. because Nikki Haley mentioned that we will stand and help Ukraine which makes us get involved in this issue. Also this relates to U.S. History on when Abraham Lincoln imposed the martial law on September 15,1863 in order to suspend the act of which people with mental illness had to be trialed if committed an act unlawful all thought the U.S. 

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