Monday, November 5, 2018

Man fights off shooter with a vacuum and broom ~AYSHA JACKSON

A man might have saved his life and the lives of others just by confronting the gunman with a vacuum. THe survivor John QUick said that was the first large thing he could find. He heard the shooting stop he took it as an opportunity to hit him over the head. WHen the shooter hit him across the head with the gun he didn't quit and he fought back with a broom. Another survivor thanks him for making a way for her to escape.

In my opinion I dont think he did this too e brave and get fame. I honestly dont even think he did it for the other people. I think he took a chance to take action. If he hadnt he might've been killed too. This reminds me of Sandy hook shooting even though there were no specific survivors but it makes you realize that someone in that building might have been fight for there life and the teachers of those students were fighting to protect the kids lives.


  1. I’m glad people like him exist. Most people would not do anything in that situation, which is understandable, but he decided to risk his life to help others. I’m happy they made it out okay.
    Maya Friedmann

  2. People like him make you feel better about the world we live. There are still brave caring souls out there who commit selfless acts.
