Monday, November 5, 2018


summary-Recently the trump administration has brought up the option of Defining Gender as relating to a personals biological parts, rolling back previous decisions made under obama that brought forward and legitimalised Transgendered peoples into the public eye. This, if able to pass, will make Transgendered people, by definition, non existant.

my thoughts- This is VERY important to me, i /am/ a transgender boy, this affects me, and how people see me. it does to several of my friends. I find it UTTERLY rediculous that a government can decide or define a word thats already printed in dictionaries, and affects, im sure, NONE of them. its really really rediculous, and this idea really pisses me of; they people making these choices say that the definition should be 'rooted in science' and that is just bullshit, if theyd look beyond common knowlodge of biology and maybe even consider Phsycology- wich these people never ever recognise, unless it favors them- theyd know that the spectrum of gender really really is proven. not only in science, BUT IN HISTORY and religions! its something that has been around since humanity and they can not just "define" this. they would be saying that all other societies before them were wrong and invalid, and cast a majority of their peoples as invalid!

connection to history- now, i could talk about the cultures that had free genders, and didnt base this on whats in your pants, but instead, im going to compare this to a little thing that used to happen back in times when there was slavery and segregation! no; transgendered people are not mass enslaved but they are seperated and pushed into boxes. and these boxes change, yes. from anyone who feels they arent cis, to just transitioned peoples, these boxes change occasionally. sometimes, im seen as transgendered, and sometimes im not. the thing i see from the past is when they were change the "definition" of black. sometimes they were the darkest colours only, people from just africa, and sometimes black meant anything not white, anything even slightly tan, even mexicans were seens that way. a //tan//. And as history repeates itself, Defining something liek gender, the same as with race, can not be done, and TRYING should not even be touched.

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