Monday, November 5, 2018

Keyanna Smith "Kentuckians barred from voting on Tuesday and for life"

Nationwide people cannot vote or are banned from voting because they have felony records. For example, Stephon Harbin cannot run for office because of his arrest twenty nine years ago which happened when he was 18 so he says that he never had the chance to vote. In Kentucky 1 out of 10 adults and 1 out of 4 African Americans has a felony record that bans them from voting for life.

I feel like this takes away peoples way of voting just because of something that has happened years ago and is still being held against them. Which isn't fair because of how hard our ancestors fought for our right to vote and it is still being taken away from us.


  1. Juuling with THC as a minor is a felony. Think of how many teens won't be able to vote because they were dumb and vaped? Should we have our main right as Americans because of a dumb childhood mistake?

  2. Yea I think that this is a little extreme
