Sunday, November 4, 2018

Danye Jones foudn hung, his mother belives he was lynched (faith stevens, 6th period)

Danye Jones, a 24 year old black male, was found hung over two weeks ago, on October 17th. Authorities are investigating it as a suicide, but his mother believes he was hung. Multiple sources of evidence lead to this, such as a knot on his face, and that he was hung with bed sheets that did not come from the house. His mother claims he was upbeat before his death, and that Danye didn't even know how to tie knots used in the ligature. She believes he was targeted as him and his mother were Ferguson activists.

Ok. So the reality of the situation is that a black man was believably lynched, and no one is covering it. It was taken down from Facebook, stopped 'trending' on Instagram and twitter, and hardly anyone believes her. There are multiple signs that point to it not have been being a suicide, such as the fact the sheet was not from home. The fact that something that was common in slavery, and in the 1800's when VERY prominent racism was allowed and accepted in this form supposedly happening in 2018 is not ok. The fact that no one is talking about it or knows about it is also NOT ok in the slightest. The fact that someone is getting away with and probably will get away with it is NOT ok. Talk about this on your stories, on your spam to your friends and family. Get the word out! This cannot be something that we allow to slip through our hands.

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