Sunday, November 4, 2018

Trump is trying to erase trump people (Faith Stevens, 6th Period)

On October 21st, The New York Times posted a new government memo claiming that gender would be officially assigned based on biology. The outcry from the public has been a large on, with many people crying the tag #wewillnotbeerased and #genderisntbinary . This is reminiscent of Trumps past proclamations, such as the Transgender military ban. "Sex means a person's status as male or female based on immutable biological traits identifiable by or before birth," the department issued allegedly in the memo, according to the article. "The sex listed on a person's birth certificate, as originally issued, shall constitute definitive proof of a person's sex unless rebutted by reliable genetic evidence," 

Honestly? I’m appalled. You can’t erase a whole group of people, you can’t take away their identity and define who they are. You are not them. They are them. And their choice to go by he, she, they, or any other pronoun is exactly that. THEIR CHOICE. Not the governments. Not yours. It’s theirs. The Trump administration has proposed to make gender a genitalia only thing. Not a mind set. Which is entirely not true, to start with. Sex is what you are born with. Gender is a mind set. Let me reiterate. SEX IS WHAT YOU ARE BORN WITH. GENDER IS A MINDSET. You cannot strip away the very thing that makes someone a someone. It is down right wrong. This is a continuation of discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community that has progressed and left its mark all through out history. This isn't just happening now, its been happening. An example is the aids epidemic. In which half of the country, including major media outlets, and the government, pretended like gay men weren't dying. Pretended that morgues were leaving bodies piled in the streets, that some doctors even refused to help. But not this time. You can erase them. They are here, and they are themselves, and you can't take away someones personal identity. Thank you to the BBC for giving me a unbiased article that stated facts instead of an outlet that is right or left sided. 

1 comment:

  1. I most certainly agree with this statement. Trump has no empathy for the people of the LGBTQ community and is just make it worse for us. He thinks that biology is just what exactly defines us, but thats not always the case that we want to be identified as.
