Monday, December 15, 2014

Sydney Siege over- Amanda Cervantesp.4

On Monday police officers came in and stopped a 16 hour siege in a chocolate in Sydney held by self proffesed Sheik Man Haron Monis, also known as Sheik Haron. He recieved fatal injuries along with two of the hostages. Monic was described as an activist on a website in his name and also was linked to wikileaks.Nearby streets and office buildings were cleared and people were evacuated. The Australian prime minister Tony Abbott said the gunman claimed 'political motivation'. most of the hosages were able to make it out. Grand Mufti Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, the highest Islamic officer of Australia said the Muslim community was devastated. This incident comes after police carried out major anti terrorist raids throughout Sydney in September.

This is a story that by this time the world is used to seeing, even though this did not happen in the United States but in Australia is still shows how tense the situation is between western democratization and muslim extremists, this act not only should be seen as a precaution for further problems in Australia but in the U.S as well.

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