Monday, December 15, 2014

Black Officer's Essay: Rachel Webb

When an officer feels uncomfortable with his job you know there is a problem. Officer Anwar Sanders wrote an essay stating his concerns with being an African American policeman in the United States. In the paper he explains how he is living in two different worlds; being apart of a police force that is constantly in confrontation with his ethnic group is hard. Sanders cannot be the only black police officer who feels this way. Believe it or not there is still a large amount of racism in this country, and no matter how far away we get from it the past is still there. The wound that slavery burdened has scabbed over, but it is being reopened and revisited every chance possible. All of this Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, and Ferguson hype was started because black people are tired of taking disrespect, again. This is a critical time presently in America and no one truly knows how this will end.

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