Monday, December 15, 2014

Music helps awaken lost memories due to Alzheimers - Amanda Cervantes p.4

In  2006 Dan Cohen came up with the idea to take unused ipods, and donate them to those who suffer from alzheimers or other forms of dementia. It customizes playlists that link to the persons past,and has proven to spark memories linked to the music the person lived around. In 2010 Cohen created Music & Memory, an organization where people can donate used ipods for senior citizens in need for them. His goal is to i million music players.

This is  very interesting, and shows how powerful music is a person, its power is great enough to spark lost memories in people who otherwise would deteriorate faster without it, it proves to be a natural way of keeping someones mind in tact.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is incredible! Music can be such a powerful, moving thing.
