Sunday, December 14, 2014

Paul Revere Time Capsule Found - Olivia Lambert 3rd Period

Last Thursday, Paul Revere's time capsule was found in the investigation of a leak in the Massachusetts State House. After the investigators came upon the capsule, there was a long debate over if they should or should not remove it, yet they wanted to save it from any possible destruction from the leak. They took out the time capsule and concluded that it may have been from two centuries ago when Samual Adams and Paul Revere were both on their way to warn that the British were coming.

It's so amazing that still to this day we are still discovering new things about history and past events. Even though the time capsule isn't so important to society today, it's interesting to see how things went back when and how Paul Revere dealt with things by burying the time capsule.


Olivia Lambert 3rd Period


  1. This is so cool and it shows how we are still learning about our country to this day

  2. Wow its amazing to find out how much we can really learn about the past. This article was great info thank you.
