Monday, December 15, 2014

Family Says Son Was Lynched- Jazmin Garcia (2nd Period)

Claudia Lacy, mother of Lennon Lacy will accept that her child committed suicide if it's proven to her. She believes her 17 year old son was lynched. He had asthma, so his doctor recommended he exercised at night when the humidity and temperature dropped because he was in a football team and had to stay fit. One night, he packed a gym bag, began walking to a dirt road, and wasn't seen again. His body was found hanging on a swing set covered in fire ants. However, North Carolina's Chief Medical Examiner, Debora Radisch declared a death a suicide. Radishch asked Lennon's mom if she saw a change in his behavior and she said because a close relative recently died, he's been pretty upset. She also believes it was from the distraction from his 31 year old girlfriend. The age consent in North Carolina is 16. Many people in there small town didn't like the two dating and neither did Lennon's mom. A week after Lennon's burial, a teenager was arrested for defacing his grave. The belts that were found on his body didn't belong to him because Lennon's mom would know because she buys all his clothes. In addition, Lennon's brother says he left home that night of his death wearing size 12 Air Jordan's. However, he was found wearing size 10.5 Nike Air Force shoes.

This relates to APUSH because lynching has always been around. As well as suicide. However, reasons were different back then as they are now. In my opinion, I don't think it was suicide. Although he was upset from a loss of a relative and because everyone was judging his relationship, those things could usually be overcome. The belts he was hung with didn't belong to him and his shoes were switched 2 sizes smaller. A teenager even defaced his grave. I agree with his mom on this one. I just hope justice is served to the family and they find the people responsible.

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