Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What's So Bad About It?! by Jorge Olvera

     It seems like were getting closer to legalizing marijuana in the U.S. There aren't many reasons for us to keep this substance illegal. If anything we are getting ridding reasons that make it sound bad. We are giving more reasons to it being more acceptable here.
     LZ Granderson wrote about this subject. It's humorous but hits certain areas of it are good points about including it in our country.Small quantities would seem at a good level from people getting in trouble. Fighting for this is unnecessary, cause eventually it will be legalized!


  1. Weed has many adverse health affects. There are a lot more reasons that it is illegal than you think.

  2. Whether it's bad or not, laws are changing! It's slowly being accepted and becoming legal.

  3. I feel like legalizing marijuana isn't bad, I do agree it will damaged your lungs, but if you know the real facts about what marijuana does to you, we shouldn't have a problem with that.

  4. peace and pot bruh...

    nah, but really. there's too much money invested in keeping weed illegal. even though some laws are changing, i honestly don't see it becoming a legal substance anytime soon.
