Monday, November 12, 2012

Official: 2 dead in Indianapolis explosion by Desiree' Cook

There was an explosion than interrupted the night on the southside of indianapolis. There were two people who died ans seven who were taken to the areas hospitals. One person says that it felt like their chest were shaking. Others were just grateful to be alive!
                                        I feel like they are taking care of the people who were hurt. CNN believes that this was a bomb. Well duhh what else would cause an explosion! The thing I would be trying to figure out is who caused this. I didn't see anywhere in the article where they talked about finding out who did this and if they were trying to see if they were going to see if this bomber was going to strike again... where are the cops when you need them???


  1. Cops are there when they are called. They are not your Fairy God Parents flying over your shoulders at all times. I guarantee you wouldn't be saying that when one of them takes a bullet for you. It could even be me.

  2. There are many things that could've caused this explosion. They cannot assume that it was someone planting a bomb. There are many steps thats have to be taken before an investigation happens and the situation gets a lot more complicated when the press are incolved. We might just have to stay tuned because they cannot report too much until they find information. I'm sure they are taking necessary precautions to and repercussions to ensure that this does not happen again.
