Monday, November 19, 2012

Tests Show Train Warning Signs Worked at Texas Crash Site- Natalie Newman

A Union Specefic freight train collided into a truck with 12 veterans and their spouses aboard. 4 were killed and several were severely injured due to this collision. There has been investigation on what the truck was doing as it crossed the railroad, as well as how the train reacted right before the incident. Federal investigators said that the railroad crossing signs and warnings were working at the time of the crash. The article shared that Texas has one of the highest railroad crossing deaths from 2009-2012 with the number being at 86 total deaths. Unfortunately, accidents happen and I believe that this incident, along with others, are purely just accidents. Considering the warning lights were working, there was nothing else anyone could have done to prevent this collison. People simply need to take greater precaution when it comes to crossing railroads.

Natalie Newman

1 comment:

  1. Aww man.. people need to watch for that a lot not much can be done once ur stuck.
