Monday, November 5, 2018

Ryan Mecca | What’s next for Megyn Kelly? Experts say the options are limited

         Megyn Kelly was recently fired from Fox and her show was cancelled due to her racist comments. Kelly defended blackface for Halloween and claimed that Santa Claus and Jesus have and will always be known as white. Despite her many opportunities, it is unknown how successful Kelly will be in the future due to these issues, as well as several other racist accounts.
         Many other white celebrities and well-known individuals have been accused of racism this year including Roseanne Barr, who had to be ‘killed off’ of the show “Roseanne”, due to an offensive tweet she posted. This article appears to be directed towards the general public, possibly more to white people, as to inform them of the consequences of dishumanizing and mistreating others. The author seems to emphasize how these incidents have effected Megyn Kelly’s future in her personal and work life. It is important for people to understand that it’s just flat-out not okay to be racist and there is no way to justify these actions.
         This article makes me think back to Mrs. Countryman’s lecture and the TedEd on slavery and the origins of racism. Racism, particularly against blacks, was used as a justification for slavery and was only a lie that claimed African Americans were inferior to whites because it was in their biology. I think it’s incredibly important for everyone to know this, especially considering we are still seeing racist acts—such as those of Megyn Kelly—in the media and in our everyday lives. I think that if others were better informed of this issue, racism would diminish in our country.


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