Monday, April 6, 2015

3 Muslim Students Dead -Hadassah Lai

3 Muslim students in North Carolina was shot in the head by their neighbor Craig Hicks. Hicks had turned himself in after he shot them. He claims that it was based off a recurring parking problem. He now faces a charge that could include the death penalty. Investigators have found his Facebook page that consists of attacks on various religions and the promotion of Atheism. This crime could be classified as a hate crime.

Whether this was a parking problem or a hate problem, by no means should someone resolve to shooting others. To end someone's life, or in this matter LIVES, like that is despicable and inhumane. I honestly don't know which is worse, that he overreacted so much over a simple parking problem or that he hated them so much that he wanted them dead. This reminds me of the Civil Rights Movement, when segregation was still around. Many African Americans faced prejudice and injustice from the KKK. When will these kinds of people realize, that killing is not going to solve problems, that it's not the answer, that it's not a form of reaction. This saddens me deeply, because after so many centuries, this country just refuses to grow up and move on.



  1. I agree with you on this, Hadassah. This crime is absolutely ridiculous and awful. There has got to be something mentally wrong with the killer for him to have done something like that.

  2. I guess he did something right by turning himself in but either way, if he knew about the consequences, why do it anyways? I hope he feels guilty because killing people is just all sorts of wrong.

  3. This crime is absolutely ridiculous. I don't believe this man should get the death penalty he should go to prison and think about the lives he took away.

  4. I agree with Ausia. I really do hope he lives the rest of his life knowing and thinking about and understanding exactly what he did wrong. It also makes atheists look like bad and hateful people (which they aren't), and is so terribly outrageous. I cannot believe he would kill anyone, especially over a parking problem that he can easily report if it was that bad.

  5. I know his family claimed it as something other than a hate crime, but I would be interested to hear what he has to say. I think he is completely guilty and that this was a hate crime, but it is crazy to think that someone can see this as "Ok" in their minds.

  6. I don't think that a recurring parking problem makes you mad enough to want to kill someone. This is definitely a hate crime. Hopefully justice will be served.
