The President's top motto of the night was: Take no prisoners. His number ten joke was toward Vice President Dick Cheney. the vice president has said Obama is the worst president of his life time and Barack Obama swung back to him and said "thats interesting because you are the worst president of my lifetime as well."
his fifth best joke of the night was discussing one a specific story that has most dogged reporters in the past: the Secret Service. Obama told the agencies that he has come up with a "fool proof way to keep people off my lawn." he then supported his statement with a picture of Senator John McCain with a broom and Vice President Joe Biden with a baseball bat.
Obama's top joke of the night dealt with the Republicans "cramping his style." He says he deals with the situation by saying "Bucket", or at least a word the rhymes with bucket. Obama lists off concerning topics that Republicans go against him on like "Take executive action on immigration? Bucket. New climate regulations? Bucket. It's the right thing to do."
it is nice to see the human side of political figures, especially our top influential leader. They take on so much stress and obtain tons of knowledge about our government and it is a sweet reminder that they are human as well and a pleasant enough to also have a sense of humor.

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