Some of these issues may be present in other countries and we think we are ahead of the game. However, we do lag in some practices behind other countries when it comes to women's equality.
The Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) was adopted by the United Nations in 1979. It's was the biggest treaty created in specifically guaranteeing women's rights until the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was established in 1948. The United Nations said regardless of sex, everyone will be "born free and equal in dignity and rights."When we start to look at paychecks, the United States ranks 65th in wage equality for work. This is based off of the World Economic Forum study of 142 countries. the countries where women are doing the best in is United Arab Emirates, Norway, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Canada. Just recently in 2013, women were being paid 78% of what men were earning. Crazy.

It's kind of strange how women in general are still getting paid less, especially after all the time spent on advocating women's rights decades ago.
ReplyDelete- Hannah Kalan