Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Blue Bell Recalls All Products - Corsica Steding

Over the past few weeks, Blue Bell has recalled various products due to a contamination.  Now, the company has decided to recall ice cream, frozen yogurt, sherbet and other frozen products.  Health officials have stated that three people have died and five others have fallen ill from the bacteria that may have come from Blue Bell products.  Paul Kruse, Blue Bell CEO and President, has stated that they are "committed to doing the 100 percent right thing, and the best way to do that is to take all of our products off the market until we can be confident that they are all safe."  In order to prevent further illnesses, the company is increasing the swabbing/testing of facility surfaces by 800%.  They have also decided to provide more employee training and to send samples to labs on a daily basis for testing.

Holly Yan wrote this article for CNN on April 21st. Before reading this article I had vaguely heard about the issues with Blue Bell products. It's horrible that three people lost their lives over this.  Even though it was only three people, that's still incredibly significant and never should have happened.  I'm glad that the company is putting procedures in place to prevent this from occurring again and I hope that the families of those affected recover.



  1. All though it is good that they pulled the product from the shelves it is a little disappointing for the customers that they made this mistake and had to have things pulled in the first place.

  2. Its so crazy how one small mistake or mishap in a product can affect the entire economy and social standing of its company. I hope that Blue Bell can get back on their feet quickly because I miss their ice cream!
